Town Hall Meeting For Ekpeye Candidates, Coming Soon - Ekpeleni Ekpeye
Ekpeleni Ekpeye wishes to inform the Ekpeye Ethnic Nationality the intention of the Ekpeleni Ekpeye, through the Ekpeye Parliament - Ulu platform, to partner with the Eze Ekpeye - Logbo in Council, the Uzugbani Ekpeye, the Usama Ekpeye and the Nwanewe Ekpeye, in anchoring town hall meetings at Ahoada for all the four front line Gubernatorial Candidates, and all the Parties Candidates (Senate, House of Reps, State House of Assembly) that are canvassing for votes in the Ekpeye Ethnic Nationality for the coming general elections.
It is worthy of note that other ethnic nations all over the country, are engaging the Candidates in town hall meetings, to know what the Candidates and their Parties have for them, in return for their votes and supports. The Ekpeye Ethnic Nationality should not be left out if we must expect and ensure even development in the next political administration / dispensation after the coming election.
We hope to confirm the date of the town hall meeting soon.
We look forward to hearing from you as we hope and anticipate to have your consent before reaching out to the candidates as stated above.
Elder Jonathan Robinson Ewoh
President, Ekpeleni Ekpeye
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